主演:Rikki Beadle Blair,Noel Clarke,Rebecca Varney,Paul Keating,Davey Fairbanks,Karl Collins
剧情: This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This am..
主演:Rikki Beadle Blair,Noel Clarke,Rebecca Varney
剧情: This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This am..
主演:布兰登·弗雷泽,Brendan Fraser,Dave Foley,Bruce McCulloch,Kevin McDonald,Mark McKinney,Scott Thompson
剧情: 科学家克里斯发明一种抗忧郁剂,始用者一经服用后,就能重温他们最愉税的时光。消息一经披露,千万人争相服用。不料,克里斯却又发现如果大量服用这种药,将会有昏迷的危险,但是时他还能及时去阻止这服抗忧郁的狂潮吗? Kids in the Hall Brian Candy (1996) Gay Subplot movie
主演:Jena Malone,Mandy Moore,Macaulay Culkin,Patrick Fugit,Heather Matarazzo,Eva Amurri
剧情: 无论是你亲手打破了信仰,还是别人逼迫你走出了信仰,你所需要的都是--救赎! 马丽(吉娜马龙饰)是一个乖女孩,她信奉天主教,万能的上帝是她惟一的偶像。她最好的朋友希拉里费伊(曼迪摩尔饰)是一个跋扈专横的姑娘,她们因为共同的信仰而私交甚密,快快乐乐地开始了在"美国鹰天主高等学院"的最后一年。可是有那么一天,马丽的男朋友却突然向她坦诚自己喜欢的可能是男人就在马丽苦恼不已的时候,上帝出现在她的..
主演:Seth Green,Macaulay Culkin,Diana Scarwid,Chloë Sevigny,Dillon Woolley,Marilyn Manson
剧情: 九十年代初,偶然的相遇,在纽约大苹果,两个大男孩。凡事有因有果,只是我们做事往往不知结果,也不理後果。 活在当下,沉沦起舞,今晚的舞伴就是明日的杀人凶手。Fenton Bailey和Randy Barbato把他们的同名得奖纪录片改编成电影,更找来当事人参与,活灵活现纽约的club scene。 令人眩晕的灯光、亮丽的华妆美服(由真实的派对妖精客串演出兼出动私伙靓衫),这一切是要..
主演:Michael Alig,Keoki,James St. James,Gitsie,Eric Bernat
剧情: 讲述着名club kid Michael Alig发展他的事业至到杀人的记录片。 Party Monster: The Shockumentary is a 1998 documentary film detailing the rise of the club kid phenomenon in New York City, the life of club kid and part..
剧情: Gay Games 6: Under New Skies . 澳大利亚 / 2003 / 英语 / The Official DVD of the Gay Games VI.
剧情: The film is the story of a group of soldiers, who, in the course of their compulsory military service in 1967 and 1968, before and during the military dictatorship in Greece, are assigned to the th..
主演:Richard Ganoung,John Bolger,Steve Buscemi,Adam Nathan,Kathy Kinney
剧情: 1985 年的沧海违珠。假若你在今年的影展中只能看一部戏,那麽就看这一部吧。比《同窗之爱》、《费城故事》来得更肝肠寸断,《临别秋波》没有夸张失实的情节,没有夜夜笙歌日日桑拿个个礼拜揼骨买衫睇忆莲,有的是一个哀而不伤、感人但不煽情的剧本,以及一班有血有肉的角色人物。二十四小时的一天, Michael 要为同居六年的伴侣 Robert 举行派对,表面是欢送他前往非洲履行新职,实则是让他们的关系划..
主演:Jane Turner,Gina Riley,Glenn Robbins
剧情: The Queens of Comedy Gina Riley (Kim) and Jane Turner (Kath) are back in this fantastic telemovie "Da Kath Kim Code". While the first and second seasons of "Kath Kim" were unbelievably amazing, t..