主演:Gala Besson,曼努埃尔・布兰科,Antony Hickling,Gaëtan Vettier
剧情:This is the story of the journey of Jean-Christophe, from its birth to its rebirth. Born to a prostitute mother - that we follow for a moment -. And an absent father, JC, age teenager experiencing he..
主演:César Augusto,Daniel Passi,Andre Vieira,Flávia Gusmao,Alexandre Mello
剧情: 21岁的街头骗子Fabio,遇到了风头正劲的成功作家埃杜。两人很快就走上了一段充满激情和野性的关系。不过,对于Fabio来说这只是一段无忧无虑性探险,而Edu却有心魔要面对。他们能否找到一条活在当下的道路,抑或被现实生活彻底粉碎? 开场就来热火的床戏,有别于巴西同志电影中的悠长抒情的表达,大叔和小伙的cp组合也是近来同志片乐于聚焦的一类,自我认知和生活方式的不同一向是这类电影的主题,矛盾喷..
剧情: 安宁病房工作的护士,接触到的除了垂死病人外,就是无止尽的孤寂,直到她发现邻居男人偷窥她,生活开始有了无法控制的转变
主演:Tom Macy,Andrew Roth,Regina Aquino
剧情:度盘链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bo1Z38j 提取码:151n PRAXIS脱离了一般的叙事风格,就连故事主线Brian(Tom Macy饰演)发现自我的过程也莫不如是。Brian是一个面临江郎才尽的作家,他在Joe(Andrew Roth饰演)和一个神秘女子(Regina Aquino饰演)的帮助下在寻找自己人格碎片中的真我。在对抗恐惧和社会冷漠的过程中,..
主演:Tomás Farina,Jorge Luis Medina
剧情:On the verge of achieving his dream career, Tomás allows his older brother Martín Farina an inside look at his life as a professional football player. Martín, never able to fulfill his own dream of p..
主演:若阿金 · 平托,努诺·莱昂内尔
剧情:葡萄牙知名电影人平托记录了自己使用爱滋新药的这一年,这一年却是永远的一天,药物的副作用成为他编织人生的动力与素材,头脑乱了,索性做个时间旅人,前进,倒退,重复,跳跃。他一边记录爱人的身影,思忖真爱;一边细数电影梦好似走马灯倒转,却不忘审时度势思忖人类进化。难以逼视的细节,简单也复杂,琐碎也隽永,正如人生。 《然后呢?告诉我》是一部私人编年史,它既有个人的艾滋病治疗,也是半部葡萄牙电影史..
主演:Jesús Blanco,Itziar Miranda,Belén Cuesta
剧情:Pablo has it everything in the life: health, money and love. Nevertheless, a necrosis in the hip is going to trigger the loss of everything what that thought had safe. He is going to try to recover h..
主演:Jason Vario,Jake Porter,Teddy Torres,Brandon Jones
剧情: M3N - TheGayOffice - Always Be Closing part 1 - Jason Vario and Jake Porter - 20180613.30min M3N - TheGayOffice - Always Be Closing part 2 - Teddy Torres pounds Brandon Jones - 20180620.27min
主演:Anu Sinisalo,Ville Virtanen,Kai Vaine
剧情:Heli (Anu Sinisalo), an art teacher is still in love with her husband, Matti (Ville Virtanen) as they were on the first day of their encounter. They have a13-year-old daughter.
主演:本·鲍尔,Davi Santos,Jana Lee Hamblin,Ajiona Alexus,Christian Lagadec
剧情:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uGH_bNaj7FhvFRCRWQLzdQ 密码: mc5d 这部被称为美国版《十年》的小说以两个男孩的爱恨纠葛为主线。他们第一次见面就爱上对方,但囿于家庭和社会压力,先后成为朋友、恋人与仇敌,从十六岁到二十六岁,虐爱整整十年才最终走到 一起。在读者推荐名单中,它被认为塑造了最成功的人物角色、并且最应该出续集的同志小说