主演:Hetty Baynes,Simon Shepherd,肯·罗素
剧情: 欲壑难填的卡什夫人 THE INSATIABLE MRS. KIRSCH百度影音,伦理片欲壑难填的卡什夫人 THE INSATIABLE MRS. KIRSCH全集在线观看本片以百度影音及快播QVOD播放器播放,欲壑难填的卡什夫人 THE INSATIABLE MRS. KIRSCH演员表:欲壑难填的卡什夫人 ,本片类别属于伦理片,现由久久琪琪影评人为您精彩讲述欲壑难填的卡什夫人 THE IN..
主演:Bill Jacobson,Felix Montano,Robert Laughlin
剧情: 一出轻松诙谐的gay小喜剧,教你如何倒追香饽饽按摩男
主演:Simon Kearney,Paul Ross,Glaston Toft
剧情:Marcus和Peter,一对普通的同志伴侣,一种典型的感情代表。爱和性是可以分开而论的,爱你并不代表不能和其他的男人上床。 两个人在健身房里遇到了颇具魅力的Jeremy,于是乎一台心照不宣,随心所欲的好戏开始上演。引人一笑的同时却又让你略有所思...
主演:Loa Falkman,Stina Ekblad,Simon Norrthon
剧情: The Runeberg family is an ordinary middle class family, with a house in a suburb, a car and three children. By vacationing in a rented house by the sea, the hope is that the tension and anxiety bet..
主演:David Friend,Simon Morley,Charles Bushnell
剧情: 澳洲籍两位男士赛门、大卫是开路先锋,1998年他们推出「阳具木偶剧」(Puppetry of the Penis),其创新与幽默的手法立即造成轰动。 他们在舞台上光溜溜,仅穿一袭披风,当众掐捏自己的阳具,玩弄出各种造型,如尼斯湖水怪、艾菲尔铁塔、嗷嗷待哺的雏鸟、蜗牛等,每样均栩栩如生。他们的拿手一招叫做「汉堡」,利用阴囊上的毛细孔与汉堡上的芝麻粒一模一样,效果突出,笑翻了观众。 ..
剧情:Life In Squares tells the story of the Bloomsbury group over 40 years, from the death of Queen Victoria to the Second World War, as they attempted to forge a life free from the constraints of the pas..
主演:Roy Kirkland,Harrison Simon,Danielle Lalk,Davey Sheffield
剧情: Ray Dalton [Roy Kirkland] is a successful businessman, snappy dresser, drives a Lexus on 22s and never meets a stranger, but love seems to be the hardest object to acquire. Ray gets lots of advice ..
剧情:Life In Squares tells the story of the Bloomsbury group over 40 years, from the death of Queen Victoria to the Second World War, as they attempted to forge a life free from the constraints of the pas..
主演:Adriano Celentano,Federica Moro,Gianni Bonagura,Simona Mariani,Anna Kanakis
剧情: 四十多岁的马蒂亚(阿德里亚诺CELENTANO )有每个女人在镇上后,他垂涎。这将启动在片头和持续整部电影长, (除了当他穿上伪装,当然) 。每当一个女人想要得到顺风车,他拖了他的"女儿" (实际上是邻家女孩)要判断他们。不用说,没有一个淑女满足她的要求。但是现在这种广告的学生, Michela旅游,即将年满18岁,她的感情"爸爸"的危险漂流到禁忌领土。马蒂亚没有注意到,但后来这家伙表情动作比..
主演:Robert Kerman,Janet Agren,Ivan Rassimov
剧情: 又名: Eaten Alive! / Doomed to Die / Eaten Alive by the Cannibals! / Mangiati vivi dai cannibali / The Emerald Jungle 谢丽娜为了寻找失踪的姐姐戴安娜,和冒险家马克一起深入新几内亚的恐怖丛林,丛林中有一支古老的部落,他们有着狂热的宗教信仰,并还保留着残忍的活人祭祀,也就是所谓的净..